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My Thoughts on the Daily Wire

    If I woke up tomorrow and was the chief editor for the Daily Wire, there are a few things that I would recommend improving on the cite. To give some background the Daily Wire is a conservative news organization that posts articles, podcasts, and shows on their website. The company tackles a lot of hot button and controversial topics. They make some of the content on their website accessible to everyone however to see certain content you'll have to become a daily wire member which is an annual subscription. One of the things that the subscription allows its users to see are the films and documentaries that they make.

Image Credit: Daily Wire
Image Credit: Daily Wire

    In Brian Carrolls textbook Writing and Editing for Digital Media he writes about website designs and some of the best practices that users should follow. First off let's talk about the layout of the Daily Wire website. One issue that I found with the website is that there is no tab for articles that have been posted on the site. There are however tabs that direct users to podcasts, shows, and their shop. The news articles are on the home page, and users have to scroll down to access the content making it harder for users to locate them. To give some credit to the design of the website, the main focused is on highlighting shows/podcasts created by their variety of hosts. Each host creates roughly and hour-long episode Monday through Friday. The pages that focus on video and audio content are well designed and easy to follow. My only issue with the design is the lack of accessibility for news articles on the site.

    Next, I want to dive into the topic of tone and voice and how it affects the content that is provided. Since the website is more political news the articles are directed more towards a certain demographic/audience. The tone of the articles can vary depending on the issues that are being discussed. The article titles do a decent job of grabbing the attention of readers and there are usually at least 1 photo provided in the articles. Most of the articles are brief and can be read quickly. The Daily Wire does a good job of reaching their target audience with content that aligns with their values and beliefs. One thing that I will criticize is that due to the political nature of the website there is not much thought put into their opposition's arguments. 

    Lastly, I want to talk about "layering" and how the Daily Wire uses it in their articles. Layering defined by Carroll is imbedding different tools within an article. This could include adding subtitles, highlighting key words, hyperlinking, etc. The Daily Wire does a good job separating the paragraphs and adding quotes yet doesn't do anything to make sections of the article stand out. The articles all have a similar style and could use some better layering tools to make their content stand out.


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 W elcome to my new blog. My name is Michael Neofotistos, and I am a student at CNU. A fun fact about me is that I enjoy playing card games such as Bridge, Spades, Hearts, Poker, and many others. My favorite animal is a Zebra , and my favorite color is blue. You can check out my Spotify for Creators Podcast below! Michael's Podcast